Sheriff Mendrick’s Program Objectives

  • Reduce the rates of recidivism and relapse among its participants
  • Empower participants to become self-sufficient through job advancement and/or entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Provide work readiness preparation and pro-social skills development.

Program Overview

Evaluation and preparation

3 months

Living, learning, and working in a dedicated re-entry housing unit in the DuPage County correctional center.

Re-orientation and habituation

6-9 months

Living and learning in the re-entry center in the 424 building while working and practicing life skills in the workplace.

Normalization and integration

3-6 months

Living, working and building independent life skills in the community.

Program Features

  • Provides job training and placement in welding, a college credit horticulture program, and sanitation.
  • A three-chaired tattoo studio in the jail for program participants who want gang tattoos removed or covered up.
  • Self-funded.

Program Success

Gang Members
3 years
40 participants
15% recidivism rate
Heroin Users
2 years
50 participants
18% relapse rate